“Good hunting today, my liege!” Lethaldiran brought his own spirit horse up to line up with her and fired off shots just as fast as she did. With her unreal 800 proficiency in Bow Mastery, if her Taylorian Knights were firing arrows like automatic rifles, then she was firing them like a machine gun, every arrow taking out the head of a Fallen with perfect accuracy. She switched from her lance to her Sapphire Rune Bow, and joined the battle in earnest. “For the people of Pendor! Die, heretic scum!” Sir Jocelyn breezed by her and cut the head off a Fallen Revenant with his Orator Baccus Sword, claimed from the former King of the Baccus Empire. “This is the end for you, demons, and a new dawn for the Pendor Empire!” Sir Roland yelled as he cleaved a Demonic Magnus in half with his own Dragon’s Tooth sword that was claimed from the former King of Ravenstern.

Her troops cheered as they swept through the heretic army, exchanging their Noldor Bows for Runed Bastard Swords. The demon leader was sent flying off his Demon Charger, having lost several hundred HP in a single blow from the combined force of her Champion Spirit Horse’s extreme speed and her own ridiculous 700 proficiency in polearm mastery. Her Champion steed blasted forward with a fearless charge and her hideously long Banner of Sarleon smashed into the face of Eyegrim the Devourer. These demons were nothing in comparison.Įven as they charged, her Taylorian Knights were mowing down the enemy with their Noldor Composite Bows from all the way across the battlefield firing their arrows like extremely accurate automatic rifles.Ī hundred enemies fell before the two armies even met. They had tested themselves against the godlike armies of Ithilrandr and Aeldarian, the two Noldor lords who refused to peace with humans, and triumphed. Not with this extremely overpowered army fully equipped with Noldor gear and mounted on Spirit Horses.

She bent over, couching her lance at the head of the charge and swept forward in a crazed beeline for the enemy.

Her warband, full of 300 epic prestige troops, her personal Order of Taylor, surged forward in a disorganized frontal charge, horses stampeding through the open ground in a massive wave.