Those factors make the German KV tanks so much tougher than they probably should be. Tracks sitting on a tank wouldn't add as much protection as their thickness because they're not hardened armor plate so a 30mm track would probably be more like 15-20mm of additional protection, not 30mm. Hell, they also don't seem to care that tracks and other steel structures are not the same as hardened armor. So 75mm plate + a 25mm plate is not as protective as a 100mm solid plate but War Thunder doesn't account for that.

And I know that in real life add on plates should not actually equal their total amount of protection having watched David Fletcher or David Willey mention several times that add on plates are weaker than the same amount of thickness cast. Their tracks always protect their weakest spots for some reason and in general the KV-1 is a tough tank but with those added plates it's so hard to kill. I cannot tell you how many times I've shot low side hull plate, the weakest part on either captured KV tanks, only to have it flatten in spite of having enough penetration to go through or have the tracks eat the round. That damn thing and the KV-1C have the strangest tendencies to bounce shots that theoretically should punch through it. Discord: discord.gg/JBQwwMj Instagram: oddbawz Twitter: OddBawZ Business Email: Patreon: Music 1: Music 2: INTRO ( 00:00 ) CAPTURED CHONKER ( 01:55 ) RUSH B ( 04:39 ) SHERMANATING ( 05:43 ) ACHILLES FEEL ( 06:15 ) RUSSIAN FUED ( 06:49 ) THE BLINDEST MAN IN WT ( 07:46 ) SUMO WRESTLING ( 08:23 ) WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING ( 10:24 ) TAKING OUR LAND BACK ( 11:48 ) CROMBAD ( 12:42 ) KEEP GOING ( 13:10 ) GETTING WHAT I DESERVE ( 14:14 ) BIG BIRD ( 14:49 ) OUTRO ( 19:02 ) Occasionally it will find its way to the Warbond Store, but not very often! Twitch: Merch: /en-GB/stores/od. It's no longer obtainable for free but can be found on the Marketplace for a rather large sum of money. The KV1B is an event Premium Heavy Tank for the German Tech Tree. This means, you have all the time in the World to find a weak spot on the enemy as it continues to bounce round after round into your Russian Steel.

When you angle this thing, not much can punch through. This means that some tanks don't even have the penetration power to even kill this tank flat on, even from the side. pretty darn well! The KV-1B is by all means a 3.7 KV-1 with some bolted on spaced 25mm plates. The KV-1B in War Thunder is a Captured Finnish KV-1 with add on armour that beefs this thing up to 100mm all round! This KV-1B has been a menace ever since its arrival but how does it stand the test of time? The answer.